25-05-2018 Image analysis and facial recognition in Digital Asset Management QBank DAM (Digital Asset Management) is leading the way with cutting-edge features like image analysis and facial recognition, empowering users to...
25-05-2018 QBank launches integrations to Azure, Dropbox and AWS At QBank we are continually growing our stack of integration tools, and this month is no exception. This launch is all about Cloud service providers!
03-05-2018 The DAM perspective on Context Marketing We’re all familiar to Content Marketing, but my guess is that not all are equally enlighten about Context Marketing. Let's have a look at how QBank...
11-04-2018 give your digital transformation a dam boost Digital Transformation is hardly something new, but still highly present. Some of you are just getting started while others have already taken off on...
13-03-2018 Back to basics - 3 reasons to invest in a dam Are you considering adding a DAM to your Martech Stack, and taking control of your digital assets? This post is for you - three reasons to invest.
08-02-2018 The power of an open API In a time where integrations are key to building efficient Martech stacks, an open API is a necessity. But what is an API and why is it important? We...
13-12-2017 DAM for Dummies - Christmas Edition In today’s fast-moving communications and marketing technology landscape, it isn’t always easy to keep up. Therefore, it might be time for a blog...
01-09-2017 Text files are digital assets too Texts are essential in our everyday lives, professionally and personally. Everyday we write. We write e-mails, blogs, presentations, reports,...
30-06-2017 DAM and ROI What’s the cost for not investing in a Digital Asset Management? Whenever it is time for investing in any type of IT solution, you need to calculate...
16-06-2017 Multichannel marketing? What you need is a dam! When images, videos, documents and associated metadata is created in a number of different places, and needs to be directed to multiple channels -...
09-06-2017 Those DAM buzzwords We are constantly fed with marketing related buzzwords, and it can be hard to keep up. So, what’s better than a description of a selection of...
12-05-2017 Stop wasting time on digital assets Almost everyone who have worked within a communications or marketing team has come across some level of digital asset chaos. I know I have.