What’s Lantmännen’s secret to managing change in their DAM Journey?

Change Management

DAMDAY_121-1Implementing Digital Asset Management (DAM) in a large-scale organization, like Lantmännen, involves more than just rolling out a new tool. As Håkan Jägbrink from Lantmännen discussed during his DAM Day presentation, one of the key challenges is navigating the ongoing changes in processes, systems, and even team dynamics. A DAM implementation is an ongoing journey, not a one-time project, and managing change effectively is essential to maximize the value of your digital assets.

Change happens everywhere, constantly, and managing it well is crucial to ensure your DAM system continues to deliver value. Lantmännen’s experience offers valuable lessons for other organizations embarking on or already in their DAM journey. Here are some key insights and tips to consider as you manage change along the way.

1. Involve stakeholders early in the process
Håkan emphasized that each company within Lantmännen had its own unique needs and ways of managing assets. Every department operated in silos—e-commerce, social media, email campaigns—each had its own processes and wasn’t communicating across channels. By involving stakeholders early, Lantmännen managed to break down these silos and show the potential of DAM as a central hub for all channels. Stakeholders who understood the value of DAM became champions, helping drive adoption across the organization. Getting champions on board early is essential to ensure your project gains traction.

2. Define a clear vision and objectives for your DAM Journey
At the outset, Lantmännen moved their assets to the cloud in what Håkan called a “lift and shift” approach, but they quickly realized that this wasn’t enough. A DAM implementation is not just about moving assets—it’s about establishing a single source of truth. Communicating to the board that DAM is a journey, not just a one-off implementation, is crucial. Having a clear vision and defined objectives will help secure long-term support and prevent issues related to time and budget constraints. A DAM system needs to be central, connecting all channels and enabling collaboration across departments.

3. Implement in phases to demonstrate early business value
Lantmännen learned the importance of implementing DAM in phases to avoid overwhelming the organization and to show business value early on. They started rolling out different connectors and tested it in channels like Optimizely, Office and as an extension in the browser.  Connecting the DAM to these channels enabled real business value to emerge, but it took time. Implementing in phases allowed Lantmännen to prove the benefits of DAM gradually, making the rollout more manageable and successful in the long run.

4. Tailor Education and Training to Specific Roles
One of the key lessons from Lantmännen’s journey was the need to provide role-specific training. Each department or business unit had its own way of working with assets, and not everyone used the DAM system in the same way. Tailoring education and training to specific roles ensured that users saw how DAM could make their work easier and more efficient. This role-based training approach made adoption smoother, as each user understood how the DAM system fit into their daily workflows.

5. Engage Your Users!
At Lantmännen, getting users engaged early and regularly was critical to breaking down silos. Håkan shared how teams that had previously worked separately—whether on fresh or frozen foods or construction—began collaborating through the DAM system. By integrating channels and departments, Lantmännen created a more cohesive and collaborative environment. Encouraging collaboration and showing how the DAM system can improve workflows across departments is key to engaging users and driving adoption.

Practical Tips for Success

Håkan shared several additional insights from Lantmännen’s DAM journey that can be valuable for any organization implementing DAM:

  • Prepare for resistance!
    Resistance to change is normal, and Lantmännen faced it, too. To manage resistance, it’s important to communicate clearly, involve stakeholders, and be transparent about the benefits of the DAM system. Address concerns early to ease the transition.

  • Secure top management buy-in
    Without strong top management support, it’s hard to maintain momentum. Håkan emphasized the importance of showing business value to secure this buy-in. Allocate around 70% of the budget for immediate business needs and 30% for technology-driven initiatives like QMO’s CDN functionality, which optimizes images for different devices and contributes to both performance and sustainability goals.

  • Celebrate BIG!
    Celebrating wins along the way keeps morale high and reinforces the value of the DAM system. Lantmännen celebrated milestones—both big and small—helping to keep teams motivated throughout the journey.

  • Find your change champions!
    Identifying champions within different departments is essential for driving adoption. Lantmännen’s champions helped spread enthusiasm for the DAM system, making it easier to bring other teams on board. These champions were key to overcoming resistance and ensuring collaboration across business units.

Lantmännen’s journey is a great example of how DAM implementation is not a one-off project but an ongoing journey that requires effective change management. By securing top management support, engaging stakeholders, and emphasizing the business value of DAM, organizations can navigate this journey successfully. To learn more about Lantmännen’s approach, watch Håkan’s presentation from DAM Day here

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