The QBank Media Optimizer

Enhance your digital asset management with the QBank Media Optimizer, a powerful tool that dynamically transforms and optimizes your media files on-the-fly.
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QBank QMO allows you to easily transform your images on the fly to any required format, style and dimension, and apply effects and other visual enhancements. You can also optimize your images to d (1)


What is the the QBank Media Optimizer? 

The QBank Media Optimizer, an innovative solution allows you to store a single high-resolution version of each asset while our CDN dynamically converts and caches them in the required formats as needed.

By reducing storage requirements and streamlining asset management, the Media Optimizer not only saves you significant storage costs but also supports your sustainability goals by minimizing energy consumption and reducing your carbon footprint.

Store Smart, Save big!

Managing digital assets has never been easier or more efficient. Our Dynamic Image Optimization technology revolutionizes how you handle your media files, providing significant benefits to your workflow and bottom line. Here’s how it works:

Store just a single high-resolution version of each asset.

By keeping only one high-resolution version of each image, you eliminate the need for multiple versions, significantly reducing storage requirements.

Our CDN dynamically transforms and caches images on-the-fly

Leveraging the power of our Content Delivery Network (CDN), images are dynamically resized and optimized for different formats and devices as needed. This ensures fast and reliable delivery without the hassle of managing multiple file versions.

Simplify your asset management processes and reduce storage costs

With fewer files to manage, your asset management becomes more straightforward and less time-consuming. Additionally, the reduced storage needs translate to lower operational costs, allowing you to allocate resources more effectively.

Achieve up to 63% storage savings with QBank Media Optimizer

The average website today uses up to five different formats to deliver the best experience for visitors across various devices. Without the capability to dynamically transform assets, this approach results in storing numerous duplicate assets in different formats, significantly increasing storage requirements.

By integrating the QBank Media Optimizer into your distribution workflow, you can dramatically reduce storage costs and improve performance using our CDN. The QBank Media Optimizer dynamically transforms and caches images on-the-fly, ensuring they are delivered in the optimal format and size for any device.

Utilizing QBank DAM as your source of truth further streamlines processes, ensuring brand consistency and effective version control. This integration not only enhances efficiency but also supports a high-performing, sustainable website and e-commerce platform.

Ready to transform your digital asset management?

Learn more about how QBank Media Optimizer can revolutionize your digital asset management, enhance performance, and drive sustainability.

Book a demo of the QMO today