Keep track of where assets are published with QBank External Usage

Digital Asset Management | QBank | Features in QBank


Working with images in multiple distribution channels is an amazing opportunity that enables you to spread your message. But it comes with risks as well. Are you in control of where your assets are published, either by internal or external parties?

Copyright regulations are a great way to feel secure in the fact that no one will re-distribute your assets. But in reality, it is fairly simple for someone to snatch one of your images in your Facebook feed and publish it in an, to you, unknown channel. With QBank’s feature External Usage you can track all of your assets within seconds.

always in control with External Usage

External Usage is a solution on several problems related to asset distribution. Not only will it help you with the obvious of keeping track of where an asset is published, but you will also get an overview and knowledge of what is being used and by whom.

Intentional or unintentional usage

Depending on your marketing strategy you might have content for external sharing and actually embrace it. If that's the case you can track where your asset are published in an all positive way. But it is usually the other way around, where you don't want assets being published by unknown or people not obligated to do so. There is not uncommon to find companies employee profile images on unknown url:s or published company logos in clear violation of copyright agreements.

Tracking asset distribution does not only include external parties publishing, it can also be great to keep track of where employees publish assets. Let's say that you encourage your employees to share information in their own social networks or in department blogs, then this is a great way to keep track of where it's been published.

How does it work?

External Usage enable you to control where your assets are published thanks to a connection to Google. It may sound simple, and it is! With a single click you will get a list of URLs’ where that specific asset has been published.


Applicable on multiple asset types

We know, you are not only publishing images, therefore the feature is also applicable on other file formats. The feature can even find images that are published in pdf:s.


Talk to a DAM expert about it!

Get a demonstration of the feature and learn how it can benefit your company.



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