Re-live the magic of DAM Day 2022

Avaus and QBank
Martin Nyberg - Arjo
"It's not impossible! We built this in three years, you just need to know what you want and make sure you do it" - Martin Nyberg
In this presentation, Martin talks about how Arjo went from storing assets on a mix of databases (which increase risks and inefficiencies), to building up a DAM solution in three years with automated workflows. You will learn how to make it a success and which stakeholders you need to have on your side to make it happen.
Magnus Bodin - Axis
Follow Magnus Bodin talking about the Axis journey with implementing DAM, what they learned from implementing it and what they see the future will hold with their DAM. You will learn how to motivate teams to consume from the DAM system, why DAM’s not only a marketing tool and why it is good to have a DAM when having a Cyber attack.
Kjell-Åke Rydén - Ericsson
Kjell-Åke Rydén from Ericsson will give you a hands-on demonstration of how Ericsson is using QBank, and their different automation workflows. Kjell-Åke will talk about how to teach an organization like Ericsson to work with one central hub for digital assets and how they use the QBank taxonomy tool to manage tagging and brand consistency.
Joakim Gavelin - inriver
Fredrik Berglund - QBank
Interested in getting QBank for your business?
Book a demo with our DAM experts today
Learn more about the Keynotes and Presenters
Martin Nyberg
Johanna Andrén
Magnus Bodin
Axis Communications
Kjell-Åke Rydén
Joakim Gavelin
Ville Takala
Hootan Soheilzad
Fredrik Berglund
Sofie Samrell
What to expect from the event!
Who is attending DAM Day?
The Location - 7A Posthuset
Keynotes at DAM Day
DAM Day is not an industry specific event, but covers topics that can be inspring regardless of industry. Previous years we have had keynotes from our customers at Viacom - MTV, the Nobel Foundation, Coop Norway, Zound Industry, Geely and many more. Watch on YouTube >>
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