QBank DAM - Blog

Deep Dive into Key Components of Governance Policies for Digital Asset Management

Written by Linda Nygård | 20-11-2023

Effective management of digital assets is vital for any organization. Digital Asset Management (DAM) systems like QBank offer powerful tools to streamline this process. A crucial aspect of DAM is establishing robust governance policies, which ensure that digital assets are utilized and managed efficiently and responsibly. This blog post will explore the key components of these governance policies, emphasizing the importance of access control, metadata management, compliance and legal issues, and quality control.

1. Access Control: Who Gets What?

Access control is foundational in DAM governance. It involves defining clear roles and permissions for different types of digital assets. This ensures that sensitive materials are only accessible to authorized personnel, reducing the risk of data breaches or misuse.

Implementing Access Control:

  • Role-Based Access: Assign roles to users and define what each role can view, edit, or delete.
  • Audit Trails: Keep track of who accesses what, providing accountability and transparency.
  • Flexible Permission Settings: Adjust permissions as needed to accommodate changing team structures or project requirements.

QBank offers a flexible access management functionality that allows you to define a strategy that aligns with your specific needs. Additionally, you have the option to integrate SSO (Single Sign-On) with your QBank, enabling you to streamline access controls with the rest of your organizational access management system.

2. Metadata Management: Organizing for Efficiency

Metadata management involves setting standards for tagging and categorizing assets, making them easy to locate and use. This system is not just about organizing data; it's about making that data work for you.

Enhancing Metadata Management:

  • Standardized Tagging: Develop a consistent tagging system aligned with your organization's language and processes.
  • Search Optimization: Utilize metadata to make assets easily searchable, saving time and resources.
  • Regular Audits: Periodically review metadata for relevance and accuracy, ensuring the system evolves with the organization's needs.

QBank's metadata management functionality offers complete customization of the metadata structure to suit your organization's specific needs, simplifying alignment with other tools to support a unified taxonomy across the entire organization.

3. Compliance and Legal Issues: Navigating the Legal Landscape

Addressing legal considerations such as copyright laws and GDPR is crucial. Ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations protects your organization from legal risks.

Strategies for Legal Compliance:

  • Regular Training: Keep staff updated on legal requirements and best practices.
  • Documentation: Maintain records of licenses, permissions, and usage rights for all assets.
  • Automated Compliance Checks: Use DAM tools to automatically flag potential legal issues.

In collaboration with the access control management and the GDPR feature, QBank provides organizations with a comprehensive solution for legal compliance. By integrating these features, QBank ensures that organizations can effectively navigate the complex landscape of access control, copyright laws, and GDPR regulations.

4. Quality Control: Maintaining a Professional Image

Quality control in DAM involves setting standards for the quality of digital assets. This ensures a consistent, professional brand image across all platforms.

Quality Control Measures:

  • Standardized Formats: Define acceptable formats and resolutions for different asset types.
  • Review Processes: Implement review and approval processes for new assets.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Allow for feedback and continual improvement of asset quality.

The DAM serves as the central hub for your assets, which can later be distributed in various formats, optimized for their specific use. To ensure the highest quality possible, it is crucial to establish standards for the stored original. This will also be beneficial when setting requirements for external content providers, among other considerations.

5. The Importance of Naming Conventions and Taxonomy

A well-defined naming convention and taxonomy for tagging are pivotal. They ensure consistency and clarity, making it easier to manage and locate assets.

Developing a Robust Taxonomy:

  • Alignment with Organizational Language: Ensure that the taxonomy reflects the language and structure of the organization.
  • Scalability: Design a system that can grow and adapt with the organization.
  • User-Friendly: Create a taxonomy that is intuitive and easy for all users to understand.

By implementing consistent naming conventions and a shared taxonomy within the organization, the use of QBank or a DAM can be greatly accelerated. This establishes a solid foundation for automations that will significantly enhance the perceived value of the DAM.


Implementing comprehensive governance policies in DAM is not just about control; it's about enabling your organization to make the most out of its digital assets. With tools like QBank, organizations can effectively manage access, metadata, legal compliance, and quality, ensuring that their digital assets are an asset, not a liability. By integrating these policies with a thoughtful approach to naming conventions and taxonomy, organizations can achieve a seamless, efficient, and compliant digital asset management system.