QBank DAM - Blog

We introduce the Pdf Generator

Written by Sofie Samrell | 20-10-2020


The Pdf file - a format for sharing information that's been around (almost) forever. A great solution for documents that you wish to share without risking anyone editing or to simply reduce file sizes. Generating a Pdf from images and metadata in QBank can be a fast way to create new content.

In an ever evolving and fast paced digital landscape we are always looking to make our customers content deliveries fast and accurate. This is managed in multiple ways in QBank, and one way to improve efficiency is to add the new feature Pdf Generator.

The PDF Generator

This feature is highly scalable as well as customizable and you can be precise in how you want a feature like this to work. It is also depending on what you plan to use your PDF for.

Areas of use

There are almost endless of possibilities when it comes to usage of the pdf generating feature. You can use it as a creative foundation with a collection of images or illustrations to send your agency for inspirational directions, or you can use it for information about a specific product.

Among our PDF Generator users, I want to highlight a great example in one of our large real estate companies. They use the feature to create automatic project sheets on their real estate projects. The sheet can be used for sending marketing automation campaign content or digital handouts for a project showroom.



Sharing is caring

The PDF Generator is a predetermined template that is used on your premonitions. It can be used as a QBank backend tool for your DAM Editors and Administrators for sharing knowledge in their teams or cross-functional. It can also be used on a QBank portal website where you might want your visitors to be able to download a pdf file. As always with a pdf - it is quick and easy to share, and no information risk being changed or missing.

This might seem like a simple functionality, but imaging how much time it can help you save compared to if you had to convert you image and metadata into a nice branded pdf by yourself. Win-win!


Talk to a DAM expert about it!