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Ready for a DAM journey? | QBank DAM

Written by Sofie Samrell | 06-05-2021


Getting started with DAM? Congratulations, you are moving closer to so many business effects! Your initial DAM project may last for a short period of time, but your DAM journey has just started.

Investing in a DAM is a big step, sometimes even huge, but the benefits that comes from a thought-through DAM implementation are multiple. Setting up a DAM is the best way to get an overview and control of your assets. On top of that you can add efficiency, streamlined publishing and saving hours and hours.

Implementing a DAM project is done during a short period of time, but you should be prepared for a long-lasting DAM journey. Keeping your DAM optimized involves continuous efforts, like updating workflows after changed business processes, or adding new features that can help you to automatize content production or just adding new valuable features. With a great DAM tool there will be opportunities to increase your DAM efforts, for sure.


Choose a DAM to live and grow with

When choosing what type of DAM is a good fit for your company, you should keep in mind the rapidly evolving technical age, we are currently operating in. What is new and fresh today might be something completely different in a year or two. You need to go with a solution that you can grow with and that you can learn from.

Return on investment (ROI) is something you need to take account for when choosing a solution. How long this will take depend on a number of factors and initiatives.


Pre-DAM implementation actions

Before implementing a DAM there are a few actions you should take internally to make sure you are ready to implement and optimize a great DAM solution. Not everything needs to be completed beforehand, we are happy to guide you.

This is when you go through your organizational use of digital assets and should include file types, formats, usage on a department level, usage on asset level, publishing channels. Maybe you take this time to clean up and delete old, wrongful or outdated files. Everything that goes in to your new DAM should have a clear purpose.

Knowing your business processes are essential to setting up an optimized DAM. Why is it so important? This is Knowing who is engaged in each and every stage in content processes, knowing what to publish, knowing where to publish and knowing 

To automatically publish assets to integrated tools like your CMS, social media platform, PIM, e-Commerce, will be a great support in reaching ROI. Not only will it turn up your efficiency, but you will also gain control and consistency in content publishing.

Without a thought-through strategy, you will not reach ROI as fast as you potentially could with a great plan. Your DAM strategy is not a static document, it needs to be reviewed and updated continuously together with your DAM roadmap.


Hopefully this article gave you some insights in becoming a smashing DAM user. Below is a link to five tips to get started with DAM.