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Create sustainable, energy-efficient websites and e-commerce

Written by Linda Nygård | 26-09-2023

In our rapidly digitizing world, the sustainability of online platforms is an issue that needs immediate attention. Digital activities, such as running websites and e-commerce platforms, generate a significant amount of carbon footprint, a factor contributing to environmental degradation. One vital aspect that has a substantial impact is the optimization of digital platforms, including web and e-commerce sites. This post will delve into the importance of optimization in reducing the digital carbon footprint.

What is the Digital Carbon Footprint?

Every online activity consumes energy, from loading a webpage to conducting an online transaction. The servers that host websites and the networks that transfer data all consume electricity, predominantly produced from non-renewable energy sources, contributing to carbon emissions—known as the digital carbon footprint.

Why is Image Optimization important?

Image-rich content, a staple in web and e-commerce platforms, consumes considerable data, requiring more energy to load. Unoptimized, high-resolution images significantly increase energy consumption, adversely impacting the environment. Therefore, optimized images are crucial as they reduce data usage and energy consumption without compromising quality.

What Impact can it have on  on Web and E-Commerce Platforms?

Enhanced User Experience: Optimized platforms offer faster load times and smoother navigation, enhancing user experience and satisfaction, crucial for retaining customers in e-commerce platforms.
Improved SEO Ranking: Search engines prioritize websites with faster load times. Optimization, therefore, improves visibility, potentially increasing traffic and conversions for e-commerce sites.
Cost Efficiency: Reduced data usage through optimization lowers hosting and operational costs, a vital factor in sustaining web and e-commerce platforms.

What can we do to improve our digital carbon footprint?

1. Ensure that you optimize your images specifically for the platform you are using.

Optimizing images for specific platforms is crucial for faster loading times, improved user experience, and reduced digital storage costs. It also helps conserve bandwidth and reduce the digital carbon footprint, promoting eco-friendly digital practices.

2. Implement Efficient Coding Techniques
By adopting efficient coding practices, you can significantly reduce the processing power required for your platforms. This not only ensures smoother operations but also leads to decreased energy consumption, ultimately lowering carbon emissions associated with your digital platforms.

3. Consider Energy-Efficient Hosting Options
Choosing hosting providers that emphasize the use of renewable energy or apply energy-saving methods can dramatically reduce your platform's digital carbon footprint. It's an environmentally-conscious choice that brings your operations closer to sustainability.

4. Leverage Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) 
CDNs provide the advantage of storing cached versions of your website on servers that are strategically located closer to your audience. This decreases the distance that data needs to cover, resulting in quicker loading times for your users and less energy consumption overall.

5. Prioritize Design Optimization
An effective and optimized website design isn't just visually appealing; it's also eco-friendly. By minimizing the data needed to render your webpages, you use less energy, subsequently contributing to a reduced digital carbon footprint.

Case Study: The Environmental Impact of CNN's Homepage

To investigate the digital carbon footprint we did some calculations with the help of the website: https://www.imagecarbon.com/.

Cnn.com was used in our test case as they have a high amount of visitors each month.

cnn.com had 621 million visits during August 2023 (2)
cnn.com start page consist of 42 images (1)
Total Size of Images: 1,408kb
= Est. CO2: 0.3g 
= 0.3 x 621 000 000 = 204 875 kg CO2 / month
One way flight between Sthlm and NY = 880kg CO2 (3)
204 875 / 880 kg = 233 flights

The calculation reveals that the digital carbon footprint of cnn.com in August was equivalent to the emissions generated by 233 flights between Stockholm and New York, primarily due to the presence of unoptimized images. According to the website's calculations, optimizing the image formats can result in a remarkable 67% reduction in the carbon footprint.

Implementing optimization practices can significantly mitigate such impacts, fostering environmental sustainability.

Reducing the digital carbon footprint is paramount in our pursuit of a sustainable future. By adopting optimization strategies, web and e-commerce platforms can significantly mitigate their environmental impact while reaping benefits such as improved user experience, enhanced SEO rankings, and cost efficiency. It is high time organizations align their digital strategies with eco-friendly practices, contributing to the collective effort to preserve our environment.

(1) https://www.imagecarbon.com/
(2) https://www.similarweb.com/website/cnn.com/#overview
(3) https://sustainabletravel.org/our-work/carbon-offsets/calculate-footprint/