QBank DAM - News

QBank strengthens partnership with Consid to meet growing demand for Digital Asset Management

Written by Linda Nygård | 11-06-2024

Stockholm, June 11, 2024

QBank is excited to announce an expansion of our long-standing collaboration with Consid, aligning with their increased focus on Digital Asset Management (DAM).

This strengthened partnership promises new opportunities and innovative solutions for both companies. Over the years, QBank and Consid have collaborated on various projects, focusing on integrations between QBank and other systems. 

"Our partnership has primarily concentrated on joint customers, resulting in successful cooperation at that level. Now, we are moving towards a more strategic collaboration, which is a natural next step in our shared development. Enhancing our partnership with Consid opens the door to new opportunities and helps us create more value for our customers," says Anna Gomes, CEO of QBank. 

"Our goal is not only to strengthen our sales channel but also to provide our customers with the tools and expertise needed to successfully implement DAM projects within their digital ecosystems. With Consid's expanded focus on DAM, we see significant opportunities to deliver innovative solutions together and exceed customer expectations. This partnership positions us strongly to explore new markets and further solidify our presence in the industry," Anna continues.

"We see great mutual potential in this partnership. The combination of our different areas of expertise offers a unique proposition, while we can each enhance our existing competencies to maximize customer benefits and strengthen both our joint and individual positions in the industry," says Peter Hellgren, CEO of Consid.

QBank looks forward to continuing this journey with Consid, seeing this as an opportunity to grow together and create long-term value for our customers.

About Consid

Consid is one of the country's fastest-growing IT companies, specializing in digitalization, management, and communication. With nearly 2,000 employees spread across approximately 40 offices in Sweden and internationally, Consid has demonstrated remarkable growth and success. In 2023, the company achieved a turnover of 2.6 billion SEK. For more information about the company, visit www.consid.com

About QBNK

QBNK Holding AB is a successful SaaS company in Digital Asset Management (DAM) and offers the product QBank, a cloud-based solution for storing, managing, and publishing images, videos, and other digital assets. QBNK has shown strong SaaS growth in recent years, with large global companies among its customers. QBNK has an international customer base and is one of the leading DAM players in the Nordics. The headquarters are in Stockholm.
For more information about the company, visit www.qbankdam.com

For more information, contact:
Anna Gomes, CEO QBNK Holding AB (publ)
Phone: +46 70 720 46 67
Email: anna.gomes@qbank.se

Peter Hellgren, CEO Consid AB
Phone: +46 73 - 3508870
Email: peter.hellgren@consid.se

Read the press release (in Swedish)