QBank DAM - Blog

Efficient Content Delivery with a DAM

Written by Sofie Samrell | 10-09-2020


Managing content takes a lot of resources from a Marketing Team, not only is it time consuming but involves multiple stakeholders and teams. Managing content delivery efficiently has come to be a top priority for many CMOs.

Before the outbreak of Covid19 several reports showed that a great number of companies acknowledged the need to work more efficiently with digital experience delivery. Then came the pandemic ,that no marketing team could have ever predicted, and the need to up the digital experience delivery went from a need to crucial priority. Being on-brand and consistent in content delivery is on everyone's agenda and the right tool for the job is a DAM.


The idle use of a QBank DAM solution is to use it as your single source of truth and integrate it with your Marketing tools like CMS, PIM, Adobe Suite, PowerPoint, ERP, social Media platforms etc. With the DAM as the spider in the web you can add the rest of your Martech Stack to it and build a solid and data-sharing content machinery. This way you can use the DAM for your entire content process - from originals and blueprints to approved content published in multiple marketing channels.

Reuse of content

With a DAM solution in place you will get instant access to your digital files. Not only will you have a tool to manage your original files but also a tool for managing published content.

A sunshine story - When one of our users, a large broadcasting company, started to work with QBank they could see that 50% of the content their agencies produced were never published. Thanks to that pretty basic analysis, they could spend half as much money on bought content, money they could spend on more accurate marketing activities.

Team collaboration

An essential part of content creation is the team and stakeholder collaboration. This is a machinery that needs to run smoothly, but that is not a simple task. With QBank you can share assets, blueprints and originals with Moodboards. A temporarily webpage where you upload assets for sharing and invite internal or externa stakeholders for proofing or creation. With the Project Moodboards you will also have version control and a creation process tool.


You don’t need to be a global multi-brand company to spend huge resources on managing personalized content. Personalization in content marketing is not looking to decrease but many argue that it will be even more critical due to the pandemic. It has become a necessity to deliver excellent digital experience to make it through the digital buzz. With a DAM tool you can control exactly what goes where. With an advanced rights management and version control you are always on top of your content.


Using QBank for content delivery includes a lot of smart automations. When assets are tagged with accurate and strategically thought-thru metadata you have possibilities to build advanced workflows. Workflows that will process in the background and serve you with desired and tailored effects, like auto-publishing, pushing and pulling data in between integrated systems, notifications on predetermined set-ups and so much more.


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