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DAM features for GDPR related actions | QBank DAM

Written by Sofie Samrell | 19-06-2018

With the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR in place, we thought it’s about time to introduce a couple of GDPR related features in QBank.

A Digital Asset Management is a software that store and manage privacy data by all means. It stores user names, emails, images and maybe more. QBank is a great tool for keeping track of and organize digital assets and the privacy data that comes with it. Therefore, it also need features to handle this privacy data according to the new regulation.

Keep track of your assets

One large benefit from using a DAM is that you have control of images, videos and other material that could include privacy data. It can be images from customer events, portray images of your employees, videos of employees or customers. By storing them in a DAM you can easily keep track on what type of assets you are handling. With a updated metadata strategy, you quickly track down required assets.

Forget about me!

One hot potato of GDPR is the right for a person to be forgotten or erased. We have a feature in QBank that care for this. We call it “Value redact”.

You simply add the value in the field for "Find Value" and QBank will search through all data fields. QBank will search for whole words so if you are looking for a person use first and last name, E.g. Sofie Samrell instead of just Sofie.

When the search result is ready you will get a list of value matches to see where “Sofie Samrell” is present. When you are ready to delete you press “Redact occurrences” and the value you search for will be changed to “REDACTED” and cannot be traced back to original value.

Relate consent agreements to assets

Nowadays, the number of consent agreements are increasing. If you are working with images that portray people of whom you have consent agreement with, it is possible to upload or add the agreement as a related asset to the image. That way you will always get at hold of the agreement when you view the photo. This is enabled by adding a media picker property.

This feature can be used for other purposes as well. For instance, you can relate an advertising poster to product images related to what is being promoted. It also enables you to add related portray images of people represented in a group photo.

Merge user rights and change asset owner

One of QBank's greatest feature is the advanced right management. Another great feature related to GDPR is the new merge feature for user rights.

This is great if you add a new QBank user that should have the same user rights as an existent user. Maybe it’s a new coworker that should replace someone. This feature is available for QBank administrators.

This feature is found in the Users view in the Administration tab. Click on the user who’s rights you would like to share. In the image above, I am transferring my own rights to my colleague Charlotte Nilsson. I can choose if I wish to update rights for Moodboards, Folders, Media, or all mentioned. The user who inherit rights from another user will not lose right settings prior to this action.